Please scroll down for dates and details of our upcoming courses and workshops. Some are offered for beginners, those with some experience and professional hand engravers. Some courses are members only and all fee paying courses offer discounts to members. It really is worth taking a few minutes to join at www.membermojo.co.uk/handengravers. Membership starts from as little as £30.
Hand Engraving: Basic Principles courses
Ever wanted to learn a traditional craft skill? No previous craft or art experience is necessary as the ‘Hand Engraving: Basic Principles’ courses are an in-depth introduction to the techniques and tools of hand engraving on metal. However, if you are a jeweller, silversmith or metalworker looking to try engraving, this workshop is also ideal. With demonstrations by the tutor and plenty of time to practice engraving under their guidance, our aim is for you to come away with the knowledge and confidence to develop your skills over time. You’ll be shown how to set up a square graver with mushroom handle and make your own bespoke scriber, which is yours to keep after the course. Taught by professional engraver and silversmith Angus McFadyen, the class size is kept to just ten students and run as a weekend course. Generous discounts are available to members. It’s quick and easy to join, with memberships starting from £30 per year.
Hand Engraving: Focus courses
Intended as a follow on for students who have attended the ‘Hand Engraving: Introduction for Beginners’ courses each focus course offers amateur and trainee engravers the opportunity to develop and improve their hand engraving skills. It is also aimed at more experienced engravers who wish to try a new specialism. These ‘Hand Engraving: Focus’ courses were launched in 2019, with thanks to the Trustees of the Goldsmiths’ Centre for supporting the development of our training programme.
Click the panels below for further details about the courses and tutors
For beginners: The aims will be to develop a sound basic understanding of the tools, techniques and materials used in hand engraving, on which to progressively build skills and knowledge. You will be shown and have a chance to try for yourself:
- The setting up, sharpening and polishing of appropriate tools
- Holding devices and methods
- Marking out and transferring techniques
- The cutting of metal, with exploration of combined techniques
- Production of samples from a supplied master
- Methods of erasure
- Finishing techniques
Wayne Parrott
Wayne is a highly respected and experienced engraver and teacher. He also runs his own workshop covering a wide range of skills within the subject, including calligraphy, heraldry and his specialist interest: hand cut seals. Wayne is one of just three engravers to have won the prestigious Hand Engravers Association Lifetime Achievement Award for his services to engraving and passing on skills.
Angus McFadyen
Angus is a professional silversmith and engraver with over 25 years of experience producing tableware and working to commission. The majority of Angus’ work is surface decorated with low relief pictorial engraving, often with gold or silver inlays. In recent years Angus has specialised in clock and watch engraving. Angus is an experienced workshop leader, having taught at the Goldsmiths’ Centre and for the Creative Dimension Trust.
Book now – request a booking form from info@handengravers.org.uk
Courses are usually in London, Manchester or distance learning online. The courses are aimed at all skill levels, from complete beginners, to improvers, to experienced jewellers and silversmiths.
Please see below for details of the courses for which we are currently taking bookings. We hope to have details of in-person courses in the near future.
ONLINE: 4th and 5th October 2025, 10am – 4pm (two day intensive course, Saturday – Sunday, PLUS follow up session Saturday 18th October 2025 starting at 10am. All times are UK.)
£305 (non members) or £270 (members) Tutor: Angus McFadyen.
Book now through our JotForm Page
An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving. Students will learn from live demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with traditional push tools. Sheet copper is provided for students to engrave on and a square graver and handle and custom made scriber – which you get to keep after the course. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
This is an ONLINE course but we replicate the workshop atmosphere and individual attention our students would receive in a face-to-face course as much as possible by keeping class sizes small, up to ten students maximum. Good internet access, a laptop/tablet and a smartphone are required.
24-25 November 2023, 10am – 4.30pm (two day intensive course, Friday – Saturday)
£365 (non members) or £330 (members) Tutor: Dudley Withers, Venue: Private workshop in Clerkenwell, London
Book now through our JotForm page .
An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving on metal. Students will learn from demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with push tools that they have sharpened under the guidance of the tutor. Students need not bring anything to the course, all tools and equipment provided. Plus, you get to take home after the course the sheet copper given for students to engrave on and the sharpening plate, square graver and handle and custom made scriber.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information.
Book on our JotForm page
ONLINE: 28th – 29th October 2023, 10am – 4pm (two day intensive course, Saturday – Sunday, PLUS follow up session Saturday 11th November 2023 at 10am. All times are UK.)
£295 (non members) or £260 (members) Tutor: Angus McFadyen.
Booking now on Jotform
An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving. Students will learn from live demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with traditional push tools. Sheet copper is provided for students to engrave on and a square graver and handle and custom made scriber – which you get to keep after the course. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
This is an ONLINE course but we replicate the workshop atmosphere and individual attention our students would receive in a face-to-face course as much as possible by keeping class sizes small, to ten students maximum. Good internet access, a laptop/tablet and a smartphone are required.
Book on Jotform
Saturday 17th June 2023, 10am – 1pm OR 2pm-5pm (one three hour session)
Venue: Birmingham School of Jewellery, Vittoria Street, Birmingham B1 3PA
£35 (non members) or £30 (members) Tutors: HEA Professional Members
Booking now on Jotform: MORNING session, AFTERNOON session
Want to try hand engraving? Our Taster Sessions are the perfect opportunity to experience hand engraving without committing to a course or equipment outlay. Watch live demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor before trying engraving with traditional push tools. Sheet copper is provided for students to engrave on along with all tools and equipment required. These workshops are organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
This is a three hour taster session, please choose morning (10am-1pm) or afternoon (2pm-5pm).
Book now on Jotform: MORNING session, AFTERNOON session
Enquiries to manager@handengravers.org.uk.
17th June 2022, 10am-5.00pm (one day intensive course, Saturday)
£195 (non members) or £160 (members) Tutor: Karen Wallace, Venue: Birmingham School of Jewellery, Vittoria Street, B1 3PA.
Booking now on our JotForm page https://form.jotform.com/handengravers/scroll-carving-karen-wallace
This will be an introduction into engraving traditional scrolls; using deep relief carving techniques used by gun engravers. This is for students who are experienced in surface engraving and will have some basic skills, and samples of their engraving. Please note this workshop is not suitable for complete beginners (who may wish to book one of our Taster Sessions or Hand Engraving: Basic Principles courses first).
The tutor will demonstrate transfer techniques used by gun engravers and then cutting a traditional scroll pattern using hand push and pneumatic engravers. Students will then be given the opportunity to, under the guidance of the tutor, practice carving a traditional scroll into 2.5mm brass using hand push gravers.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk
This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
ONLINE: 10th – 11th June 2023, 10am – 4pm (two day intensive course, Saturday – Sunday, PLUS follow up session Saturday 24th June 2023 at 10am)
£295 (non members) or £260 (members) Tutor: Angus McFadyen.
Booking now on Jotform
An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving. Students will learn from live demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with traditional push tools. Sheet copper is provided for students to engrave on and a square graver and handle and custom made scriber – which you get to keep after the course. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
This is an ONLINE course but we replicate the workshop atmosphere and individual attention our students would receive in a face-to-face course as much as possible by keeping class sizes small, to ten students maximum. Good internet access, a laptop/tablet and a smartphone are required.
Book on Jotform.
2 – 3 December 2022, 9.30am-4pm (two day intensive course, Friday – Saturday)
£340 (non members) or £300 (members) Tutor: Dudley Withers, Venue: Goldsmiths’ Centre, 42 Britton Street, Farringdon, London EC1M 5AD .
Book now through our JotForm page .
An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving on metal. Students will learn from demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with push tools that they have sharpened under the guidance of the tutor. Students need not bring anything to the course, all tools and equipment provided. Plus, you get to take home after the course the sheet copper given for students to engrave on and the sharpening plate, square graver and handle and custom made scriber.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information.
Book on our JotForm page
21st May 2022, 9.30am-4.30pm (one day intensive course, Saturday)
£225 (non members) or £190 (members) Tutor: Dudley Withers, Venue: The Goldsmiths’ Centre, 42 Britton Street, London EC1M 5AD.
Booking now on our JotForm page.
Discover the uses, and how to set up from scratch, three different gravers: the onglette (also known as spitzstick), the round and the flat. These tools can be used for carving, seal engraving and lettering.
Each student will be given three tools to set up, which are theirs to take home afterwards. The tutor will demonstrate the process but students will also be emailed before the workshop master engraver Wayne Parrott’s notes and film on tool preparation (not yet publicly available).
Aimed at students who have some previous experience with hand engraving (using push tools) and will have some basic skills and samples of their engraving. Students may have completed an online course or study and are looking to increase their confidence with tool sharpening, under the guidance of a tutor to assist.
The tutor will also demonstrate re-sharpening a square graver, and students may bring their own to re-sharpen under the guidance of the tutors. Demonstrated using budget-friendly traditional methods, that students should be able to replicate at home.
This workshop focuses on the preparation and maintenance of “hand push” gravers. It is not teaching engraving, but the tutor will demonstrate different uses of the tools and the students will take away a practice plate to try exercises at home.
Students will need to bring their own square graver, sharpening plate or stone, safety goggles, scriber and magnification (if student uses).
Places limited to just 6 students so book now on our JotForm page.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk
This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association and made possible thanks to the support of the Goldsmiths’ Centre.
9th April 2022, 9.30am-5.00pm (one day intensive course, Saturday)
£195 (non members) or £160 (members) Tutor: Ruth Anthony, supported by Dudley Withers, Venue: The Goldsmiths’ Centre, 42 Britton Street, London EC1M 5AD.
Booking now on our JotForm page https://form.jotform.com/220653899912366
An introduction into engraving lettering, singular e.g. initials or text for inscriptions. Aimed at students who have some previous experience with hand engraving (using push tools) and will have some basic skills and samples of their engraving. We will mainly concentrate on two styles, roman and script. The first is very blockish and the other a more cursive style as a contrast.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk
This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association and supported by the Goldsmiths’ Centre.
LONDON: 4-8 April 2022, 10.00am-5.00pm (five day intensive course, Mon-Fri, PLUS follow up session 14 May 2022) – FULLY BOOKED
£100 (members) Tutors: Overseen remotely by Wayne Parrott, coordinated in person by Anastasia Young assisted by Andrew Ashcroft.
Read the Course Info. Apply now on JotForm Deadline 1 March 2022.
The Hand Engravers Association of Great Britain is thrilled to announce its first workshop on the topic of seal engraving. There are no courses in seal engraving in the UK, so with thanks to generous support from partner the Goldsmiths’ Centre and supporter The Radcliffe Trust, we have developed a community learning workshop to introduce line engravers to the skill of seal engraving.
The Association is keen to ensure that these skills are passed on to the next generation. The availability of tutors and Covid-19 restrictions has meant that it was not possible to organise a traditional format training course, however with help of master engraver Wayne Parrott, we have developed a unique training opportunity to introduce engravers to seal engraving on metal.
This training is aimed at those with at least some experience of line engraving, whether from a professional, apprentice/trainee or skilled amateur background. Students must be aged 16 or over and resident in the UK. There is no upper age limit. It is not suitable for those who have not done any engraving.
Master engraver Wayne Parrott has developed learning resources and three step-by-step projects in seal engraving. He is unable to attend the Goldsmiths’ Centre in person, so students will follow one of the step-by-step projects from 4-8 April 2022 at the Goldsmiths Centre under the guidance of Project Coordinator Anastasia Young and Workshop Assistant Andrew Ashcroft, who have both been working with Wayne to create the learning resources. The Goldsmiths’ Centre has specialist facilities that students will be able to make use of during the week, including microscopes. The week will include a visit to a local seal engraving business and visits to the course by professional seal engravers. At the end of the week, we will send your engraved seals to Wayne for feedback. He will contact students individually to give constructive advice and support.
Apply now on JotForm
18-19 March 2022, 9.30am-4pm (two day intensive course, Friday – Saturday) – SOLD OUT
£325 (non members) or £285 (members) Tutor: Dudley Withers, Venue: Goldsmiths’ Centre, 42 Britton Street, Farringdon, London EC1M 5AD .
Booking now at https://form.jotform.com/220462200127338 . An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving on metal. Students will learn from demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with push tools that they have sharpened under the guidance of the tutor. Students need not bring anything to the course, all tools and equipment provided. Plus, you get to take home after the course the sheet copper given for students to engrave on and the sharpening plate, square graver and handle and custom made scriber.
For course queries, please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information.
This is the first ‘in-person’ course we have run since the outbreak of Covid-19 and we would like to thank the Goldsmiths’ Centre for their support in helping us get back into the workshop.
Book on our JotForm page
23 February 2020, 9.30am-5.00pm (one day intensive course, Sunday)
£195 (non members) or £160 (members) Tutor: Sarah Hobbs, Venue: The Forge, Craft Central, 397-411 Westferry Road, London, E14 3AE . Please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information, place availability and a booking form. An introduction into engraving lettering, singular e.g. initials or text for inscriptions. Aimed at students who have some previous experience with hand engraving (using push tools) and will have some basic skills and samples of their engraving. We will mainly concentrate on two styles, roman and script. The first is very blockish and the other a more cursive style as a contrast. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association.
2 November 2019, 9.30am-5.00pm (one day intensive course, Saturday)
£195 (non members) or £160 (members) Tutor: David Bedford, Venue: The Goldsmiths’ Centre, 42 Britton Street, London, EC1M 5AD . Please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information, place availability and a booking form. An introduction into engraving lettering, singular e.g. initials or text for inscriptions. Aimed at students who have some previous experience with hand engraving (using push tools) and will have some basic skills and samples of their engraving. We will mainly concentrate on two styles, roman and script. The first is very blockish and the other a more cursive style as a contrast. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association, in collaboration with The Goldsmiths’ Centre.
** UPDATE 7/10/2019 This course is now SOLD OUT but please contact us at info@handengravers.org.uk to be put on the waiting list. Dependent on demand, we may organise another course **
26-27 October 2019, 9.30am-5.00pm (two day intensive course, Saturday – Sunday)
£310 (non members) or £275 (members) Tutor: Angus McFadyen, Venue: The Forge at Craft Central, 397-411 Westferry Road, London E14 3AE . Please email info@handengravers.org.uk for more information, place availability and a booking form. An in-depth introduction to the tools, techniques and materials associated with hand engraving. Students will learn from demonstrations by the professional hand engraver tutor and have plenty of opportunity to try engraving with push tools that they have sharpened under the guidance of the tutor. Sheet copper is provided for students to engrave on and a square graver and handle and custom made scriber – which they get to take home after the course. This course is organised by the Hand Engravers Association, in collaboration with The Goldsmiths’ Centre. ** UPDATE at 8/10/19 this course is SOLD OUT. Please email us if you would like to be added to the waiting list **
22nd-26th July 2019, 10am-5.30pm (five day intensive course, Monday-Friday)
NEW FOR 2019! Using the workshop at the Goldsmiths’ Centre in central London, the one week summer school will introduce promising beginners to hand engraving. Overseen by one lead tutor, Angus McFadyen, the course also has five visiting tutors from a broad range of engraving specialisms including seal engraving and gun engraving. The one week format will enable students to explore hand engraving at a greater depth than is possible at the Association’s weekend courses. It will also enable tutors to identify potential apprentices within the student group.
Aimed at school leavers, undergraduates or aspiring engravers wishing to develop craft skills and learn about career paths in hand engraving, this is a practical, hands-on skills led course combined with talks and demonstrations from professional engravers.
The course will be tailored to the needs and levels of its participants. Specifically, what we cover will depend on what you tell us about your background, and what you hope to gain.
With thanks to the generous support of our partner, the Goldsmiths’ Centre, the course is offered FOR FREE. To be eligible to apply for a place you must return a completed application form, be UK resident and a member of the Hand Engravers Association. (Join at www.membermojo.co.uk/handengravers). There is no age limit.
If you are interested please apply early, as places are limited
REQUEST AN APPLICATION FORM FROM info@handengravers.org.uk